Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Assisteed Suicide

In anyone's opinion who has control over one choices? Is it the Church that controls wat you do? Is it the Government that controls what you do? My favorite quote that relates to this is by a game called Bioshock.

I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'"Andrew Ryan".

I can relate this by isn't it our life to choose what we do with it. In our elderly years when i am on life support and in pain due to a cancer or just a horrible disease i want the option to pull the plug. If i am old enough and I know what i am doing i say i should be allowed to do this. But it should be barred from people who have depression issues . It is our choice in life and i believe this is a better solution then to a home made one and becoming a more painful choice.


  1. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own choices no matter how daft they may be. That said I will want to live for as long as possible. If I am dying slowly in pain, then morphine me up!

  2. This is really interesting but I personally wouldn't want to give up while facing a disease. i would want to know the end of the story. i would want to know if i would've been able to survive.

  3. I think people should be able to pick if they want to live or not. I know if i was dying i would pull ther plug.

  4. everyone should be allowed to chose if they want to die.

  5. Its your life only you can choose.

  6. Maybe you can do some research on "Living Wills" and see if that addresses some of the concerns of you and your commenters.

  7. Its what you choose no one can stop that

  8. if im on life support and just living as a vegitable and not my self i get the choice to end my suffering and my pain.

  9. Everyone has thier own choices and they can choose what to do with thier life. It's your life.

  10. Your life belongs to you. Do what you want with it.

  11. I feel that people that are dying should be able to make their decision on weather to live or to have the doctors try to save them.

  12. What is going on with suicide lately? Four teens committed suicide because they were bullied and being called "gay." Like everybody else, they had thier own choices.
